Охорона праці та цивільний захист підручник для студентів бакалаврату / О. Левченко, О. Полукаров, О. Арламов, Ю. Полукаров, О. Землянська; під редакцією О. Левченка. Київ: Київський політехнічний інститут Ігоря Сікорського, 2021. - 352 с.(Англ.мов.)К:Каравела.
Labour Protection and Civil Defense: textbook for undergraduate students / O. Levchenko, O. Polukarov, O. Arlamov, Y. Polukarov, O. Zemlyanska ; edited by O. Levchenko.Kyiv : Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2021. – 352 p.
ABSTRACT. General safety issues, identification and classification of potential hazards, their properties as well as methods and means of protection against their impact, basics of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, methods of prevention of occupational diseases, threats leading to emergencies, the nature of their manifestations and effects on humans and economic objects, methods and means of civil protection of the population and territories in case of an emergency, the principles of first aid have been set out. Particular attention is paid to the issues of personal and collective safety at work, in everyday life and during emergencies and martial law. Designed for students of higher educational institutions acquiring technical specialties within the framework of the complex discipline “Labour protection and civil defense”, related to issues of safety at work, in everyday life and emergencies.
АНОТАЦІЯ. Загальні питання безпеки, виявлення та класифікація потенційних небезпек, їх властивості, а також методи та засоби захисту від їх впливу, основи санітарно -гігієнічних умов праці, методи профілактики професійних захворювань, загрози, що призводять до надзвичайних ситуацій, характер їх проявів та вплив на людей та господарські об’єкти, методи та засоби цивільного захисту населення та територій у разі надзвичайної ситуації, викладено принципи надання першої допомоги. Особлива увага приділяється питанням особистої та колективної безпеки на виробництві, у повсякденному житті та під час надзвичайних ситуацій та воєнного стану. Призначено для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, які здобувають технічні спеціальності в рамках комплексної дисципліни «Охорона праці та цивільний захист», що стосується питань безпеки на виробництві, у повсякденному житті та надзвичайних ситуаціях.
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 7
Section I. SAFETY OF LIFE – SUSPENSION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT............................................................................ 11
1.1. Categorical and conceptual apparatus for life safety .................................... 11 1.1.1. Model of human life........................................................................... 11 1.1.2. Theoretical foundations of life safety ................................................. 14 1.1.3. Methodological basis of life safety..................................................... 16 1.1.4. From human security to national security and human security ........... 19
1.2. Sources of danger, damaging, dangerous and harmful factors...................... 21 1.2.1. Taxonomy, identification and quantification of hazards ..................... 21 1.2.2. Types of dangers................................................................................ 22 1.2.3. Classification of hazards .................................................................... 23 1.2.4. Safety in the “human-equipment-environment” system...................... 25
1.3. Dangers that can lead to an emergency ........................................................ 28 1.3.1. Global problems of humanity............................................................. 28 1.3.2. Natural hazards .................................................................................. 29 1.3.3. Technological hazards ....................................................................... 35 1.3.4. Social and socio-political dangers ...................................................... 41
1.4. Risk as a criterion and object of security ..................................................... 46 1.4.1. Risk as a quantitative assessment of a hazard..................................... 46 1.4.2. Individual and group risk ................................................................... 49 1.4.3. The concept of acceptable risk ........................................................... 52 1.4.4. Levels of risk ..................................................................................... 54 1.4.5. Management of the identified risk...................................................... 56
1.5. Ensuring safety of life ................................................................................. 58 1.5.1. General model of safety of life at work and at home .......................... 58 1.5.2. Main directions of life safety.............................................................. 61
1.6. Provision of the first incidental medical service........................................... 80 1.6.1. The importance of providing first-aid care to save the health
and life of the victim .......................................................................... 80 1.6.2. Medico-biological and social health problems ................................... 81 1.6.3. General principles of first premedical services................................... 83
Self-control Questions to Section 1. Safety of life – Suspension
of Sustainable Development ............................................................................... 90
Section II. LABOUR PROTECTION ............................................................. 92
2.1. Place and Importance of Labour Protection in the System of Ensuring
Life Safety. Object and Scheme of Labour Protection ................................. 92 2.2. Air of the Labour Zone ................................................................................ 97 2.2.1. Sources and Standardization of the Labour Microclimate .................. 98
2.2.2. Sources and Standardization of Air Pollution
by Harmful Substances.................................................................... 102
2.2.3. Measures and Means of Standardization of the Air
of the Labour Zone. Ventilation of industrial premises .................... 106
2.3. Acoustic Factors of the Production Environment....................................... 113 2.3.1. Sources, Evaluation and Protection against Noise............................ 113 2.3.2. Sources, evaluation and ultrasound and infrasound
protection methods .......................................................................... 125 2.3.3. Sources, Rating and Methods of Vibration Protection ..................... 129 2.4. Electromagnetic fields and radiation.......................................................... 139
2.4.1. Sources, evaluation and protection measures from
electromagnetic fields...................................................................... 139
2.4.2. Sources, evaluation and protection against infrared radiation .......... 152 2.4.3. Sources, assessment and UV protection........................................... 157 2.4.4. Sources, evaluation and laser radiation protection measures ............ 162 2.4.5. Sources, evaluation and protection measures against ionizing
radiation in the production environment .......................................... 168 2.5. Industrial lighting ...................................................................................... 177 2.6. Harmful psycho-physiological factors of the labour process...................... 193 2.7. Hygienic classification of labour. Attestation of workplaces
under working conditions .......................................................................... 207 2.8. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for territories, production
and auxiliary premises of business facility (BF) ........................................ 215 2.8.1. Sanitary requirements for the location and planning
of territories (BF). Classes of harmfulness of enterprises
according to the sanitary norms. ...................................................... 215 2.8.2. Sanitary requirements for production facilities ................................ 219
2.8.3. Sanitary requirements for sanitary facilities of BF ........................... 221 2.9. Partial and general safety requirements for the process of production........ 224 2.10. Safety exploitation of electricity-generating equipment ........................... 232 2.11. Electrical safety ....................................................................................... 233
2.11.1. Actuality of the problem of electrical safety ................................ 233 2.11.2. The effect of electric current on the human body.
Types of electric injury................................................................ 235 2.11.3. Factors affecting the severity of electric shock ............................ 238 2.11.4. General characteristics of electrical installations.......................... 246 2.11.5. Danger of operation of electrical installations.............................. 250 2.11.6. Classification of methods of safe operation
of electrical installations. ............................................................. 254 2.11.7. Accidental release measures in normal operation of electrical
installations ................................................................................. 255 2.11.8. Protection measures against indirect contact in electrical
installations ................................................................................. 259 2.11.9. Protective earthing in electrical installations................................ 263 2.11.10. Means of protection in electrical installations ............................ 276 2.11.11. Organization of safe operation of existing electrical
installations ............................................................................... 278 Self-control Questions to Section 2. Labour Protection .................................... 284
AND TERRITORIES ................................................................... 288
3.1. Fundamentals of Civil defense................................................................... 288 3.1.1. Basics of state policy in the field of civil defense ............................ 288 3.1.2. Unified state civil defense system.................................................... 290 3.1.3 Modes of functioning of the unified state civil defense system ......... 294 3.1.4. Organization of CD at the object of economic activity..................... 297 3.1.5. International cooperation in the field of civil defense ...................... 302
3.2. Emergency situations and their consequences............................................ 303 3.2.1. Criteria for the transition of a dangerous event
in an emergency situation ................................................................ 303 3.2.2. Categories of economic activity object on the level
of emergency threat ......................................................................... 308 5
3.3. Emergencies of anthropogenic nature ........................................................ 309 3.3.1. Industrial accidents, catastrophes and their consequences ................ 309 3.3.2. A special period. Martial law. Rights and duties of citizens ............. 311
3.4. Protection of the population and territories from emergency situations...... 313
3.4.1. Basic principles and methods of defend people and territories
from emergency situations ............................................................... 313
3.4.2. Notification and information in the field of the Civil Defense.......... 314
3.4.3. Means of individual and collective defense...................................... 316
3.4.4. Evacuation measures........................................................................ 320
3.4.5. Disaster medicine............................................................................. 326
3.5. Localization of the ES and liquidation of their consequences .................... 330 3.5.1. Organization of work on emergency response ................................. 330 3.5.2. Emergency rescue and other urgent work ........................................ 330 3.5.3. Life support for victims in the areas of the ES ................................. 332 3.5.4. Elimination of ES consequences...................................................... 333
Self-control Questions to Section 3. Civil Defense of the Population
and Territories .................................................................................................. 344
REFERENCES............................................................................................... 347
Охорона праці та цивільний захист підручник для студентів бакалаврату / О. Левченко, О. Полукаров, О. Арламов, Ю. Полукаров, О. Землянська; під редакцією О. Левченка. (Англ.мов.)К:Каравела. 2021. - 352 с.
- Виробник: Каравела
- Модель: Textbook
- Наявність: Є в наявності
350 грн.